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Internet Retailer Conference Exhibition (IRCE) Trends and Takeaways
Internet Retailer Conference Exhibition (IRCE) Trends and Takeaways
This year’s Internet Retailer Conference Exhibition (IRCE) in Chicago welcomed leading eCommerce professionals, with over 600 exhibitors and more than 10,000 attendees to take part in workshops and sessions, where they discussed ideas and advanced eCommerce technologies. The event was focused on the retail customer and online community, with companies of all sizes. A few of the 200 plus eCommerce pioneers included, the President of and Mobile for Target Corp., Jason Goldberger as the keynote speaker, Co-founder, Executive Chairman of reddit, Alexis Ohanian, along with the President of, Christopher McCann, and VP of Forrester Research, James McQuivey. The exhibition was...
How Content Marketing for Ecommerce Drives in Customers
How Content Marketing for Ecommerce Drives in Customers
“Content marketing for eCommerce is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action,” according to the Content Marketing Institute. Quality content through storytelling is not the only aspect to consider to increase sales, as research shows the amount of information on the Internet is expected to grow by 500%, between now and 2020. This can make it more challenging for SMB’S to compete with storytelling alone. Here are some other tips to consider to drive customers to your website. Incorporate Visuals As video...
How to Increase Sales with Amazon and eBay
How to Increase Sales with Amazon and eBay
It’s no surprise that a retailer can increase sales with Amazon and eBay. There is proven measurable research that confirms revenue is gained in sales, customer acquisition, brand recognition and more. “Sellers report an average 50 percent increase in sales when they join Amazon Marketplace,” according to Vice President of fulfillment by Amazon, Tom Taylor. Increasing sales with Amazon and eBay will help promote your brand by giving your customers new outlets to find you. If they are not visiting a marketplace specifically searching for your product or your store, they may stumble upon one of your products on Amazon or eBay. This gives you an opportunity to...
A Breakdown of Amazon's New Manage Inventory Page
A Breakdown of Amazon's New Manage Inventory Page
One aspect of maintaining a healthy seller relationship with Amazon is having enough inventory on hand to cover customer demand. Through Seller Central, you can get “near-real time data” for each product in your inventory on the Manage FBA Inventory Page. As Amazon explains on Winning with FBA, “You can see your Fulfillable and Unfulfillable units, any units that have been put on Reserve for pending sales or other fulfillment center activities, and the Inbound amount, we are expecting from any of your shipments yet to be received.” The eCommerce giant has been beta testing a new ‘Manage Inventory’ page. With Amazon's...
Managing Multichannel Sales
Managing Multichannel Sales
Do you take advantage of the many sales channels available to expand your reach and grow your business as fast as possible? Even the smallest retailer can reach a market of millions when selling online. If you do, are you managing multichannel sales in the most efficient manner? Multichannel inventory management can help you grow your business by providing seamless third-party integrations through Magento, Amazon, Bigcommerce and more. Managing multichannel sales can be simple, but in order to do so, you want to be sure you have the right tools in place. Even though adding sales channels may help your business prosper, it can...