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Why Your Order Management System Needs to Do More
Why Your Order Management System Needs to Do More
Customer loyalty greatly relies on how effective your order management system is. Responding quickly to your customers is a given, but what else can you deliver? An effective and streamlined OMS plays a pivotal role in your sales and delivery operation and gives you the upper-hand in customer service. “95% of leaders say providing a good customer experience is the top priority, but only 37% have the budget and means to implement ways to improve the experience.” - Forrester Research Study Discovering the ins and outs of how your solution can truly benefit you is the next step to success. The back-end order fulfillment processes...
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5 Ways to Stave Off the Dreaded Stock Out
5 Ways to Stave Off the Dreaded Stock Out
Failing to deliver a customer’s purchased product puts a serious damper on the customer experience. When inventory stock outs create a loss in loyalty and sales, what’s a retailer to do? “70 – 90% stock outs are caused by defective shelf replenishment practice, as opposed to the 10 – 30% resulting from the upstream supply chain, such as a shortage in supply from the supplier.” If you sell electronics, perishables, flowers or nutraceuticals, this post is especially for you. These industries historically have a much higher chance of dealing with the dreaded inventory stock out. To get around the dreaded OOS sign,...
How to Simplify Purchasing throughout the Inventory Process
How to Simplify Purchasing throughout the Inventory Process
How can retailers toss their inventory spreadsheets aside and finally streamline purchasing? It’s as simple as implementing automated and effective purchase order (PO) management throughout the inventory process. Let’s start with the basics. Like what’s a purchase order and why is it so important? A PO is a sales contract between the buyer and seller specifying the exact merchandise received from a vendor. Within that, there are details related to the payment terms, delivery dates, item specifications, quantities, shipping terms and other relevant terms and conditions. When you’re managing a retail business, purchasing and online inventory management go hand in hand. Why PO Management is the Answer to Budgeting &...
5 Essential Tips to Take on Holiday Shipping
5 Essential Tips to Take on Holiday Shipping
What's that you hear? Could it be the faint sound of holiday jingles in the air? Perhaps you're thinking, stop this madness, Halloween hasn't even crept up yet. Or, maybe you're a bundle of holiday cheer all-year-round and can't stop singing along. Any hint of carols before Halloween is enough to make any retailer realize the busy season is quickly approaching. People are starting to get excited and the tunes are just a tipping off point. Even though the holiday retail season still appears at a safe distance, Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, then we all know what comes next. So, when should you make sure...