tax day

Courtesy Pixabay | stevepb

Do you like to save money? (Don’t we all?!) Have you heard about the Section 179 tax deduction? It’s still available, and it might just mean you can save a ton this year!

Read on to learn more about how you can make the Section 179 deduction work for you.

There were many tax law changes during 2018, but there’s some good news for eCommerce companies – you can still take advantage of deductions for certain equipment and software purchases you made throughout the year.

Section 179 Deduction

We don’t claim to be tax experts, but we’re more than happy to point you in the direction of useful information on the subject over at the Section 179 Deduction site.

There, you can learn everything you need to know about this awesome deduction opportunity, including:

  • Deduction limits
  • Spending caps
  • The ins and outs of bonus depreciation (and what the difference between it and Section 179 really is)
  • What the Section 179 Deduction means for you
  • How Section 179 works
  • Much more!

If you’ve been looking for that one, last reason to pull the trigger on a major purchase, this may just convince you. And if you need software that can help improve your inventory and order management capabilities, you can drop us a holiday card at or send us a request for more info.


How You Can Save Money with the Section 179 Deduction, Freestyle Solutions