Blue-sale-tags-hanging-next-to-snowmanFor many consumers, the holidays sales are the big win of the season. For them, it’s all about the deals. But you don’t want to let a great deal get in the way of your overall profit. Ready to learn how you can put promotions into place that won’t eat away at your bottom line? Check out this week’s Throwback Thursday:

Holiday Season Best Practices: Order Promotion Pitfalls Many Retailers Face

We’re covering all the common pitfalls brands make year after year. So you can put deals into place that won’t break the bank. The end result? Happy customers, happy profit-margin. Learn from the best, Freestyle.

What deals do you offer during the holiday season? Are you making any of these mistakes? Reach out to learn how you can course-correct if needed, or if you are missing any of these great ideas!