Gen Z Ecommerce

Courtesy iStockphoto | Zinkevych

For many eCommerce businesses, understanding the buying habits of Gen Z and turning that knowledge into a successful marketing plan is something of a Holy Grail. The mere fact that this generation is different than the oft-discussed Millennial consumer was a revelation to many, but as we know the technology native Z’er has a different perspective on brand loyalty than the technology adapted Millennial shopper.

No matter the route taken to arrive at the destination of Gen Z sales, it is impossible to understate the economic value of a successful or even moderately productive effort to reach this market. If as some estimate, the buying power of this group can reach $143 billion, that is a lot of sales up for grabs.

One factor that plays into the wheelhouse of modern eCommerce businesses is that Gen Z values a cohesive, easy-to-transact sale on mobile devices, something that we have been preaching to our customer choir over the past year. In fact, the experience within a sale is something that weighs heavily with this consumer group. Measuring and adapting to the preferences of Generation Z as a group and noting the preferences and purchase history of each consumer is something that can prove to be a real challenge to eComm’s lacking the ability to track and segment business. The lesson to be learned is that the success of a marketing plan can be impacted by the system that executes the sale.

For an interesting take on how you can help to build on your strategy to capture business with Gen Z, read “What Gen Z wants for Christmas” from Marketing Dive.

Comment below to join the conversation about Gen Z. Contact us at to speak with us about how you can support your front-end strategy to reach Gen Z with a superior back-office application.